Stars Simply Red

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Katarzyna Szostak
    8 ulubionych
Ganyone who ever hh eld you
a would tell you theh way i'm feeling
Ganyone who everh wanted you
a would try to tell you what i H7feel inside
Gthe only thing i ever wh anted
a was the feeling that yoH7u ain't faking
Gthe only one you ever th hought about
a wait a minute H7can't you see that i

Gi wD/F#anna fall from the sa tars
H7straight into your arms
Gi, D/F#i feel ya ou
H7i hope you comprehGenH7

Gfor the man who tried to h hurt you
a he's explaining the wH7ay i'm feeling
Gfor all the jealousy i caH7used you
a states the reason why i'm trH7ying to hide
Gas for all the things you taH7ught me
a it sends my future intoH7 clearer dimensions
Gyou'll never know how mH7uch you hurt me
a stay a minute canH7't you see that i

Gi wD/F#anna fall from the sa tars
H7straight into your arms
Gi, D/F#i feel ya ou
H7i hope you compreheGndH7  

Gtoo many hearts are h broken
a a lover's promise never cH7ame with a maybe
Gso many words are left uh nspoken
a the silent voices are drivH7ing me crazy
Gas for all the pain you cah used me
a making up could never bH7e your intention
Gyou'll never know how much you hh urt me
a stay canH7't you see that i

Gi wD/F#anna fall from the sa tars
H7straight into your arms
Gi, D/F#i feel ya ou
H7i hope you comprehend

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