Little Tiny Mustache Stephen Lynch

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę floem
GYou are the love of my life so it cuts like a knife
DWhen I feel that I'm being mislead
GI'm a little concerned for I recently learned
DOf the swastika tatoo on your head

GAnd it makes you smile when you hear sieg heil
DYou love the smell of a burning cross in the yard
GYou do goose step salutes in your Doc Marten boots
DAnd you quoted Mein Kampf in our fifth anniversary card

GI think you're Ca Nazi bDaby,
GAre you a Nazi?

GI think you're Ca Nazi bDaby,
GYou could be a Nazi

GYou keep extensive files on the Nuremberg trials
DAnd you watch them whenever they're airing
GI guess I should have known when you bought a new bone
DFor your puppies named Goerbels and Goerring

GYou showed up late for our very first date
DI said I how are you, you said "White Power"
GCall me paranoid but I'm not overjoyed
DWhen you ask me if I'd like to shower

GAre you a CNazi?
GDon't be lyin', baby
GAre you a CNazi?
GAre you anti-zion maybe?

GYour every dress is monogrammed "SS"
DYou hold an aryan picnic and bash
GAnd I get irate when you say I'd look great
DIf I wore a little tiny mustache

GYour social politics say that races don't mix
DAnd you call it pure blood pollution
GWhen I feel sad, you say its not so bad,
DFor every problem theres a final solution

GAre you a CNazi?
GGive me an answer baby,
GAre you a CNazi?
GYou drive a friggin' Panzer, baby

GYou say that love is blind
DSo how could I have guessed?
GBut then again I met you
DAt the Vagner Fest

GI know you're aC Nazi,
GAnd that's why I'm leavin'
G'Cause you're aC Nazi,
GAs sure as my name is Stephen Gold-Berg-Stein

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