Special Fred Stephen Lynch

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę floem
AWhen i Esus4was a Aboy of Esus410

I Ahad a Esus4very Abest Esus4friend
AFred was Esus4kind with Agood inEsus4tent
b But just a little Edifferent

Oh Aspecial Esus4fred    b   
Mama Edropped him Aon his Esus4head    b   
Now hes Enot so Abright inEsus4stead   b   
He's a Elittle bit Aspecial   Esus4         b   
Just a Elittle bit

We'd play tag and he'd get hurt
I'd play soldier He'd eat dirt
I liked math and spelling bees
Fred liked talking to a tree

I ran track, hung out in malls
Fred ran head first into walls
I had girls and lots of clothes
Fred had names for all his toes

cis        One d day talking to special cisfred
He grabbed a d brick and swung at my cishead
As he d laughed at me that's when i cisknew
That special d Fred had just made me Especial Atoo   Esus4  

Now i laugh as i count bugs
I give strangers great big hugs
Next to me Fred is fine
Yeah, he's a f'n Eistein

Oh special fred and me
Now we're not right in the head, ya see
Now we're not so bright instead
We're a little bit special
Just a little bit special
That bastard fred made me special
Just a little bit
Just a little bit...special

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