Noadvice Curly Heads

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You said "Eplease let be friends you're disbeautiful boy"
cisI feel alone now, Hbut I'm feeling fine
And you Eget all the lines right disevery time
HI think I wonder cistoo much late at nights

And it Ehit so much harder than disever before
cisYou won the race for Hleave me alone
It may Eseem both of my cheeks are disburning tonight
HI've gotten stronger it's cisbeen quite a while

And you Egot my heart in your gishands now
disCareful if you Hplease
Though I'm Eyoung my feelings are disstrong now
You Hran me off the Eroad

E dis cis H
E dis H cis

So darling won't you Estay on my mind fordisever seems fine
I cismaybe crazy Hbut I am not blind
Would you Efind a little space right disnext to your heart
HA place where I could be cisstuck all night long

And you Egot my heart in your gishands now
disCareful if you Eplease
Though I'm gisyoung my feelings are disstrong now
You Eran me off the rAoad

And I Eknow you won't come to gisget me
but disI'm not gonna Hstop
I will Ehave your beautiful dissmile here
gis'Till the days are Egone

EI don't know why did you discome here
cisI don't know why did you Hstay
EI'd give you all that you diswant girl
cisBut you don't want Hanything

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