Ruby Dress Skinny Dog Curly Heads

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Beta
    1 ocena
b e D fis x2

He said b please just get out of my e head
I've Dlost the precious key to your fisapartment
Cuz she b got yeah she got him e good
DWearing tight shirts but fismostly she's nude
All these b answers they come too cislate
DHow am I supposed to fisforget your face
if you're b still calling out my cisname
I cDhose the wrong person to fisblame

I only b want you, e no
And Dnow I won't let you fisgo x2

b e D fis x2

And he b let, yeah he let her e go
DRight on the streets where the fiscreatures are born
And she b knows him oh so e well
DJust enough to know he fishates her sha-la-la-la

She b got, yes she got him cisgood
FDunny thing they were misufisnderstood
b Please just get out of my cishead
DPlease just get out of my fishead

I only b want you, e no
And Dnow I won't let you fisgo 

b e D fis x2

I only b want you, e no
And Dnow I won't let you fisgo 

b cis D fis
b cis D

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