Reconcile Curly Heads

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Beta
    1 ocena
I gotta' cisstep outside now, Hstep outside and fisbeg
You've never cisseen my life for, Hseen my life for fisreal
Would cisanyone who judges Hcome and show his fisface
I gotta' cisstep outside now, Hstep outside and fisbeg

cisDid you get Ha plan for me?
'fisCause in this concrete jungle every way you turn you scisink
Holding you Htight fismoaning

cisMy favourite Hway to fall
fisNone of my body parts are just my own
cisI think we mHight be all afislone

cisI gotta' step outside now, Hstep outside and fisbeg
You've never cisseen my life for, Hseen my life for fisreal
Would cisanyone who judges Hcome and show his fisface
I gotta' cisstep outside now, Hstep outside and fisbeg

cisIt's so easy to Hlose control
fisPart of myself is ready to cisgo 
Streets have Hnever been sofis cold

cisMy favourite Hway to fall
fisWatching you naked closing the bathroom cisdoor
We will love again, Hwe will love fisagain

cis H fis x4

cisI gotta' step outside now, Hstep outside and fisbeg
You've never cisseen my life for, Hseen my life for fisreal
Would cisanyone who judges Hcome and show his fisface
I gotta' cisstep outside now, Hstep outside andfis beg


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