Holes Passenger

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę floem
    3 ulubione
e I know a Dman with nothiGng in his hands
e Nothing but a roDlling stGone
e He told me Dbout when his hoGuse burnt down
e And lost eveDrything he owGned

e He lay aDsleep for sGix whole weeks
e They were gonna ask his mDother to chGoose
e When he woke up with noDthing he said a dGay is something
e When youve got nothing youve got noDthing to lGose

Now I got a hoCle in my pocket
a hoGle in my shirt
a whDole lot of troubles he se aid
But nCow that its gone well lGife carries on
And i mDiss it like a hole in the he ead

e I know a wDoman with kGids around her ankles
And ae baby onD her lGap
She said one e day her huDsband wGent to get a paper
And the mothe erxxxxer nDever came bGack
e Four fees to Dpay and fGour kids to raise
But ke eeping Dwar from the doGor
She said the e worlds just a Dpuppy and the doGors double locked
So we hat ya gotta wDorry me fGor

Now he left a hoCle in my heart
a hGole in a promise
a hoDle on the side of my be ed
But nCow that hes gone well lGife carries on
And i mDiss him like a hole in the he ead

Well sometCimes you cant chaGnge and you cant choDose
And sometCimes it seems you gGain less than you loDse

Now we got hola es in our heaCrts
Yeah we got hoGles in our liDves
Well we got ha oles we got hoCles but we carry Gon -x2-

Say we got hola es in our heaCrts
Yeah we got hoGles in our liDves
Well we got ha oles we got hoCles but we carry Gon

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Ocena czytelników: Doskonały 1 głos