Girl The Beatles

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Początkujący
    24 ulubione
Is there aanybody gE7oin' to listen tao my story
dAll about a girl who came to stCay? E7  
She's the kaind of girl you wE7ant so much it maakes you sorry
Stdill, you don't regret a single daay.

Ah, g Ci ei i r l! d  G7  
    g Ci ei i r l d  G7  

When I thaink of all the tE7imes I've tried so haard to leave her.
Shde will turn to mCe and start to crE7
And she promaises the E7earth to me and aI believe her.
dAfter all this time I don't know whay

Ah, g Ci ei i r l! d  G7  
    g Ci ei i r l d  G7  

Shde's the kind of girl who puts you dAown
when friends are there, you feel a fodol.A 
Whden you say she's looking goAod
she aActs as if it's understood.
She's cdool, cool, cFool, cool.

Ah, g Ci ei i r l! d  G7  
    g Ci ei i r l d  G7  

Was she taold when she was yoE7ung that fame would laead to pleasure?
Did she understand it when they sCaid E7  
That a maan must break his bE7ack to earn his daay of leisure?
Wdill she still believe when he's daead

Ah, g Ci ei i r l! d  G7  
    g Ci ei i r l d  G7  

a E7 a d C E7 a E7 a d C E7

Ah, g Ci ei i r l! d  G7  
    g Ci ei i r l d  G7  

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