She's Leaving Home The Beatles

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Średni
    1 ocena
1. Zwrotka
EWednesday b morning at fisfive o'clock as the cisday begins
fisSilently closing her Abedroom door
fisLeaving the note that she Ahoped would say more

She goes Edownb stairs to the fiskitchen clutching a cishandkerchief
fisQuietly turning the Abackdoor key
fisStepping outside she is Afree

EShe (we gave her most of our lives)
EIs leaving (sacrificed most of our lives)
EHome (We gave her eE7verything mEoney could bcisuy)
cisShe is leaving home after fisliving alone for so cismany years

2. Zwrotka
EFather b snores as his fiswife gets into her cisdressing gown,
fisPicks up the letter that's Alying there.
fisStanding alone at the Atop of the stairs,

She breaks Edown and b cries to her fishusband Daddy our bcisaby's gone.
fisWhy would she treat us so Athoughtlessly?
fisHow could she do this to Ame?

2. Refren
EShe (we never thought of ourselves)
EIs leaving (never a thought for ourselves)
EHome (we struggled E7hard all our Elives to get cisby)
cisShe's leaving home after fisliving alone for so cismany years

3. Zwrotka
EFriday b morning at fisnine o'clock she is cisfar away
fisWaiting to keep the aAppointment she made
fisMeeting a A6man from the Amotor trade

3. Refren
EShe (what did we do that was wrong?)
EIs having - we didn't know it was wrong
EFun (fun is the E7one thing that Emoney can't cisbuy)
cisSomething inside that was fisalways denied for so cismany yearfiss  

cisShe's leaving fishome, bye bAye   E 

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