The Long And Winding Road The Beatles

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Średni Tonacja c
    3 ulubione
Poniżej wymienione akordy należy grać w ten sposób:
G7: 353433
C/D: XX0553
c6: xxx545
c: xxx543
e7: xx2030

Zwrotka 1
 The hlong and h7winding GroadG7   G7  
 G7That Dleads  D7to your GdoorG7+    G 
G Will fisnever disahppear
e I've seen that A7road beC/Dforec  c6  
G It fisalways leads me hhere
e Lead me A7to e7your Ddoor

Zwrotka 2
 The hwild and h7windy GnightG7   G7  
 G7That Dthe rain D7washed aGwayG7+    G 
G Has fisleft a pool of htears
e Crying A7for the C/Dday-c  c6  
G Why fisleave me standing hhere
e Let me A7know e7the Dway

Mostek 1
 DMany times I've Gbeen alone
 And fismany times I've ecriedA7  
 DAnyway you'll Gnever know
 The fismany ways I've etriedA7  

Zwrotka 3
 And hstill they h7lead me GbackG7   G7  
 G7To the Dlong and D7winding GroadG7+    G 
G You fisleft me standing hhere
e a long, A7long time aC/Dgo  c  c6  
G Don't fisleave me waiting hhere,
e lead me A7to e7your Ddoor

Mostek 2
D G fis e A7
D G fis e A7

Zwrotka 4
 And hstill they h7lead me GbackG7   G7  
 G7To the Dlong and D7winding GroadG7+    G 
G You fisleft me standing hhere
e a long, A7long time aC/Dgo  c  c6  
G Don't fiskeep me waiting hhere,
e lead me A7to e7your DdoorA  D  h  G 


GYe Gye ye Dye

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