Against The Tide Colin Hay

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Katarzyna Szostak
DGoing through the motions
GWalking roundA the car
DWe’ve traveled many miles
GThough not soA very far
b When I check the side view mirror
GI think oDf you my dear
e You’re always very close
GCloser thanA you appear
And you’d say

b Are we Athere yet?
GAs wDe drive into the sun

e We are almost there my love
GMy innoAcent one

DI find my mind wandering
GBack down thiAs old road
DIn my trusty time machine
GMy thoughts oAn overload
b Child of mine your light still shines
GWhere didD the time go?
e It’s here there and everywhere
GAlways fastA and never slow
And you’d say

b Are we Athere yet?
GAs wDe drive into the sun
e We are almost there my love
GMy innoAcent one
b A pictuAre perfect moment
GA moDment we could share
e Laughter from the back seat
GWe’re aAlways almost there

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