Beautiful Word Colin Hay

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Katarzyna Szostak
    1 ulubiony
GMy my mDy its a beautiful woGrld
CI like swiDmming in the sGea
CI like to go out bDeyond the white bree akers
CWhere a mDan can still be fe ree or a woman if you are one
CI like swDimming in the sGea

GMy my mDy its a beautiful woGrld
CI like driDnking Irish tGea
CWith a little bit of DLapsan se u Chang
CI like makDing my own tGea

GMy my mDy its a beautiful woGrld
CI like driDving in my cGar
CI roll the top dDown sometimes Ie travel quite far
CDrive to the Docean e stare up at the stars
CI like driDving in my cGar

e All around is aCnger, D automatic gGuns
e Death in large Cnumbers no respect for Dwomen or our little oGnes
e Tried talking to CJesus bDut he just put me Gon hold
e Said he'd been swamped by Gcalls this week
And he Ccould not shake his Dcoooooooooooold

GStill this Demptiness perGsists
CPerhaps this is Das good as it gGets
CWhen you've given up the drDink and those ne asty cigarettes
CNow leave the party Dearly ae t least with no regrets
CI watch the sun as Dit comes up e I watch it as it sets
CYeah this is Das good as it geGts

GMy my mDy its a beautiful woGrld
CI like sleeDping with MaGrie

CShe is one sexy Dgirl e - full of mystery
CShe says she doesn't Dlove me e but likes my company
CFor now that's Dgood enough for mGe

My my mGy its aD beautiful world    G 
CI like swimDming in the sGea
CI like to go out bDeyond the white bree akers
CWhere a mDan can still be fre ee or a woman if you are one
CI like swimDming in the sGea

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