Dont Wait Up Colin Hay

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Katarzyna Szostak
donb 't waiDt up for her tonGight, cause b she won'Dt be coming home.
Gdon't wab ke upD till it gets light.G byb then she'll Dbe long gone.

b a restless Aheart has set iGt's sailD.
Gshe can feel the b waves washing Aover.
b she knows what Alife with you Gentails.D 
Gyou love her b strength you despise your Aweakness.

don't wb ait upD for her tonightG, cause she b won't beD coming home.
Gdon't wab ke upD till it gets light.G thb e dogs are scDratching at the door

b your jealous Aheart has won theA day. D 
Gyou can feel the b darkness creeping Aover.
b she paid the Aman and sailed Gaway. D 
Gleaving youb your incompleteAness.

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