Dear Father Colin Hay

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Katarzyna Szostak
GDear Dfathera I’ve got your e photographs
CThank God for Gphotographs Dhip hip Ghooray

GDear Dfather a I know you e loved to laugh though
CIn most of your Gphotographs it Ddidn’t seem that Gway

GDear Dfather a I can’t let you e go just yet
CAnd I still can’t Gforget you Dwalking arGound

GDear Dfather a you’re starring in my e dreams
CAnd you’re stealing Gall the scenes Dwhere did you Ggo?

a In my e wandering Dmind
a I se tumble through Dtime
a I se ing through the Dair
a I le ook for you Dthere

GDear Dfather a I never got to e say goodbye
CI was singing on the GRiver Clyde and DI didn’t Gknow

GDear Dfather I a see you e dancing still
CAnd I think I Galways will Dtill the day I Gdie

GDear Dfather I a feel your e healing hands
CAs I fall Gasleep I can,D plain as theG day

GDear Dfather a you’re in my e reflection now
CAs I reach out and Gtouch you now Dwhere did you Ggo?

GDear Dfather a I am still curious e why
CYou still make me Gfurious it Dwas so long Gago

GDear Dfather a I’ve got your e photographs
CThank God for Gphotographs Dhip hip Ghooray

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