Freedom Calling Colin Hay

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Katarzyna Szostak
GIf you hear a voice call Dout your nGame
Say you can stopC yoursG/Belf G/Afrom Gfalling
GAnd if he strikes you in hisD fear and Gshame
You can lCeave hG/Bim tG/Ao hisG ruin
GIf your dreams they wake Dyou in theG night
And your Cheart G/Bit iG/As a pGounding
GIf you cry out as you wakDe in your Gfright
And the winCd G/Bit iG/As a hGowling

e7 Maybe its time to find Canother plGace
e7 Where nobody evena knows your Dface
e7 There is no need to be Cafraid    G 
For itsC only G/BfreeG/Adom cGalling

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