Happier Ed Sheeran

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Początkujący Tonacja a
    137 ulubionych
a7 Walking down 2F9th and PCark
a7 I saw you iFn another’s aCrms
a7 Only a monFth we’ve been apCart
You look haa7 ppier  F       C 
a7 Saw you walFk inside a baCr
a7 He said somethiFng to make you lauCgh
a7 I saw that boFth your smiles were twiCce as wide as ours
Yeah, you look a7 happier,F you do      C 

a7 Ain’t nobody huFrt you like I hCurt you
But aa7 in’t nobody lovFe you like I doC 
a7 Promise that I wiFll not take it peCrsonal, baby
a7 If you’re moving oFn with someone nCew

ref: Cause baby you looka7 happierF, youC do
My friends told me oa7 ne day I’d fFeel it toCo
And until then I'lla7 smile to Fhide the Ctruth
But I know I was a7 happier wFith yCou

a7 Sat in the coFrner of the roCom
a7 Everything’s reminFding me of yoCu
a7 Nursing an eFmpty bCottle and telling myself you’re ha7 appier
FAren’t Cyou?

a7 Ain’t nobody huFrt you like I hCurt you
But aa7 in’t nobody neeFd you like I doC 
a7 I know that there’s oFthers that deseCrve you
But my a7 darling, I am sFtill in love with yCou

ref: But I guess you looa7 k happieFr, youC do
My friends told me one a7 day I’llF  feel it tCoo
I could try to sa7 mile to hiFde the truCth
But I know I was a7 happier Fwith yoCu

a7 F C x4

Baby, you look ha7 appier,F you dCo
I knew one day you’d a7 fall for sFomeone nCew
But if he breaks your a7 heart like Flovers dCo
Just know that I’ll be a7 waiting herFe for yoCu

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