Nancy Mulligan Ed Sheeran

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    27 ulubionych
eI was twenty-four years old when I metC the woman I woulDd call my own                       e 
Twenty-two graned kids now growing old in thCat house thatG your brother bCought ya               D           e 
On the summeer day when I proposed, I made tChat wedding ring fDrom dentist gold                             e 
And I askeed her father but her daddy said no, yoCu can't marrGy my Cdaughter      D              e 

GShe and I went on the rCun, donG9;t caDre about religion       C  G 
GI'm gonna marry the woman IC love, down byG the WCexford border      D             e 
GShe was Nancy Mulligan, Cand I Gwas William DSheeran              C      G 
She tooGk my name and then we were one, downC by the WexforGd bordCer                 D            e 

e C D e
e C G C D e

Well I mete her at Guy's in the second world war and she was worCking on a solDdier's ward                   e 
Never had eI seen such beauty beforeC the momentG that I saw herC             D        e 
eNancy was my yellow rose and we gCot married weaDring borrowed clothes                e 
We got eighte children now growing old, fiCve sons and GthreeC daughters   D               e 

GShe and I went on the rCun, donG9;t caDre about religion       C  G 
GI'm gonna marry the woman IC love, down byG the WCexford border      D             e 
GShe was Nancy Mulligan, Cand I Gwas William DSheeran              C      G 
She tooGk my name and then we were one, downC by the WexforGd bordCer                 D            e 

GDi da-da-da-da-da di-da-di, di da-da-Cda-daD-da di-da-di, da da
GDi da-da-da-da-da di-da-di, di da-da-Cda-daD-da di                     G 
GDi da-da-da-da-da di-da-di, di da-da-dCa-daD-da di-da-di, da da
GDi da-da-da-da-da di-da-di, di da-da-Cda-daD-da di                     G 

From her snow wheite streak in her jet black hairC, over sixty years I've been lDoving her                       e 
Now we're sate by the fire in our old armchairCs, yoGu know Nancy I adore ya        C        D   e 
From a farm beoy born near Belfast town, I never worriedC about Dthe king and crown                      e 
'Cause I feound my heart upon the southern ground,C there's nGo difference I assure ya   C               D     e 

GShe and I went on the rCun, donG9;t caDre about religion       C  G 
GI'm gonna marry the woman IC love, down byG the WCexford border      D             e 
GShe was Nancy Mulligan, Cand I Gwas William DSheeran              C      G 
She tooGk my name and then we were one, downC by the WexforGd bordCer                 D            e 

GDi da-da-da-da-da di-da-di, di da-da-Cda-daD-da di-da-di, da da
GDi da-da-da-da-da di-da-di, di da-da-Cda-daD-da di                     G 
GDi da-da-da-da-da di-da-di, di da-da-dCa-daD-da di-da-di, da da
GDi da-da-da-da-da di-da-di, di da-da-Cda-daD-da di                     G 

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