Something in the way Nirvana

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Początkujący
    105 ulubionych
e C/G (x4)

[Zwrotka 1]
e Underneath the bC/Gridge
The e tarp has sprung a C/Gleak
And the e animals I'veC/G trapped
Have e all become my C/Gpets
And I'm e living off of C/Ggrass
And the e drippings from the C/Gceiling
e It's okay to eat C/Gfish
'Cause they e don't have any C/Gfeelings

e Something in the wC/Gay, mmme           C/G   
e Something in the C/Gway, yeah, mme m        C/G   
e Something in the wC/Gay, mmme           C/G   
e Something in the C/Gway, yeah, mme m        C/G   
e Something in the wC/Gay, mmme           C/G   
e Something in the C/Gway, yeah, mme m        C/G   

[Zwrotka 2]
e Underneath the bC/Gridge
The e tarp has sprung a C/Gleak
And the e animals I'veC/G trapped
Have e all become my C/Gpets
And I'm e living off of C/Ggrass
And the e drippings from the C/Gceiling
e It's okay to eat C/Gfish
'Cause they e don't have any C/Gfeelings

e Something in the wC/Gay, mmme           C/G   
e Something in the C/Gway, yeah, mme m        C/G   
e Something in the wC/Gay, mmme           C/G   
e Something in the C/Gway, yeah, mme m        C/G   
e Something in the wC/Gay, mmme           C/G   
e Something in the C/Gway, yeah, mme m        C/G   
e Something in the wC/Gay, mmme           C/G   
e Something in the C/Gway, yeah, mme m        C/G   

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