Wellerman Szanty

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    412 ulubionych
Theare once was a ship that put to sea
And the ndame of the ship was thea Billy of Tea
The wainds blew hard, her bow dipped down
O blEow, my bully boys, balow

SFoon may the WCellerman come
To bdring us sugar anda tea and rum
FOne day, when the tConguin’ is done,
We’ll tEake our leave and ago

She ahad not been two weeks from shore
When ddown on her a aright whale bore
The caaptain called all hands and swore
He'd tEake that whale in atow

SFoon may the WCellerman come
To bdring us sugar anda tea and rum
FOne day, when the tConguin’ is done,
We’ll tEake our leave and ago

Befaore the boat had hit the water
The whdale's tail camea up and caught her
All haands to the side, harpooned and fought her
When sEhe dived down bealow

SFoon may the WCellerman come
To bdring us sugar and atea and rum
FOne day, when the Ctonguin’ is done,
We’ll tEake our leave and ago

No laine was cut, no whale was freed;
The Cdaptain's mind wasa not of greed
But ahe belonged to the whaleman's creed;
She tEook the ship in taow

SFoon may the WCellerman come
To bdring us sugar and atea and rum
FOne day, when the Ctonguin’ is done,
We’ll tEake our leave and ago

For faorty days, or even more
The ldine went slack, then atight once more
All baoats were lost (there were only four)
But stEill that whale did ago

SFoon may the WCellerman come
To bdring us sugar and atea and rum
FOne day, when the Ctonguin’ is done,
We’ll tEake our leave and ago

As afar as I've heard, the fight's still on;
The ldine's not cut and the awhale's not gone
The Waellerman makes his regular call
To endcourage the Captain, acrew, and all

SFoon may the WCellerman come
To bdring us sugar and atea and rum
FOne day, when the Ctonguin’ is done,
We’ll tEake our leave and ago

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Ocena czytelników: Niczego sobie+ 49 głosów
  • nikiriki18
    Milaxar ja gram dół dół góra

    · Zgłoś · 9 miesięcy
  • milaxar
    Całość spoko ale mi żadne bicie nie pasuje

    · Zgłoś · 1 rok
  • Julian Bełz
    jak chce sie zagrać bez kapodastra w oryginalnej tonacji to będzie to tonacja c moll

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  • droga

    · Zgłoś · 2 lata
  • Adrian Jakiel
    Piosenka brzmi dobrze, dzięki temu opracowaniu idzie ją całkiem nieźle zagrać, jeśli ma sie kapo oczywiście

    · Zgłoś · 3 lata